Come Share a Cup of Coffee with Me!

For the price of a premium cup of coffee, you can give the gift of an education. Give Today!  So far, we have raised $700 from 19 supporters of WVSU!

Rise and Shine Yellow Jackets!


Although we are no longer current students, we can make an influential impact as young alumni. More than any other group, we exemplify what it means to hold a degree from West Virginia State University.  Just think about it - TEN DOLLARS! Equivalent to a premium morning cup of coffee at the nearest neighborhood café. Alumni contributions, in the amount of a cup of coffee, can be a powerful way for us to boost alumni support for new projects, innovations, and student accomplishments.  

Whether you are able to donate $10, $25, or $50, the lifelong impact of your gift is so much greater! By participating in this campaign, you can demonstrate your passion for the areas that are most important to you and advance our beloved alma mater.  

Please come share a cup of coffee with me and other young alumni by making your gift of $10 or more before June 30, 2023. Every gift counts! Every donor makes a difference!  Raise your coffee mug and demonstrate your Yellow Jacket pride by posting a picture of you and your coffee mug on social media after making a donation that is significant to you today! Together, we can be part of Future State! 

We appreciate your support of WVSU! 

Ms. Angelica Allison

Class of 2022 

Former WVSU SGA President 

If you wish to designate your gift elsewhere: Click Here.  


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